Tuesday, May 26, 2015

Do You Believe In A Perfect God?

Has something ever not gone your way? Did things turn out for the worse instead of for the better? Did you try your best, your very best, only to get turned down? What did you think afterwards? Keep those thoughts in mind as we take a look at Eli...

Eli was a priest, a man of God. His sons, however, are described in 1 Samuel 2 as wicked. They “were scoundrels; they had no regard for the Lord.” V12. Whoah…To be referred to as a scoundrel in the word of the Lord…Whoah! Eli had lived his life honoring God but his sons did not. In conjunction with their disregard for the Lord they were guilty of blaspheme. You can read for yourself here in 1 Samuel 2 all of their scoundrel deeds (it gets pretty juicy).

At this point you would think poor Eli right? He lived a life according to the law but his sons are not turning to the Lord. Does this sound familiar to anyone. So many parents drag their children to church throughout their childhood but once they leave the nest they have nothing to do with the church ever again.

Where we would read and think poor Eli, the Lord was not thinking the same thing. Not at all! A reoccurring theme all throughout Deuteronomy is to teach your children the way of the Lord, to teach them when we sit at home, when walking outside, when we go to bed, and when we rise. We need to be praying for our children constantly. It is part of our job as a parent, no matter our profession, even if you are a priest. God was not happy.

Samuel, who had been ministering under Eli, was given a word from the Lord. He was to tell Eli the prophecy against his family is coming to pass. His family would forever be judged, his sons killed, and that nothing can make atonement for their sins. When Eli heard this can you imagine what he did or what he was thinking? What would you do? I would be on my knees pleading before the Lord.

But do you understand God’s sovereignty? Do you truly believe it?
Do you think this is too harsh? Should Eli not be judged based on his sons' behaviors? If you think this then perhaps you don't believe in His sovereignty...

Eli did. And this was his response, “He is the Lord; let Him do what is good in His eyes.” 1 Samuel 3:18. He understood that God’s plan was perfect and if He saw fit for the prophecy to come to pass then so be it. It must have brought Eli sorrow but he knew the Lord was perfect, no mistakes are made by him, no rash decisions.

Do you believe in God’s plan? Even if that plan doesn’t go your way? Even if you try your best at something and things still seem to go sour? Perhaps that is God’s sovereignty at work.

Eli knew that his sons has sinned and blasphemed God and that he was unable to restrain them. He had a heart for God and he knew of His sovereignty. God is perfect...His timing, discipline, love, attention, all of it...perfect, sovereign.

Let's go back to the thoughts from the start of this post. Do they align with Eli's response? Next time you find yourself in a situation where it seems like life is against you, try thanking the Lord instead of your usual routine. Acknowledge that He is sovereign. Say out loud, “He is the Lord, let Him do what is good in His eyes.” Give God the glory and honor in the good and the bad.

Have you a chance to see God's sovereignty come to pass? Please share!

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