Tuesday, July 21, 2015

I Know Who Goes Before Me...

In your best Bob Marley Impression, sing with me:

'Don't worry...about a thing,
Cuz every little thing
Is gunna be alright'

And it's not just Bob Marley saying that. Luke 12:22-26 says:

“Do not worry about your life, what you will eat; or about your body, what you will wear.  Life is more than food, and the body more than clothes.  Consider the ravens: They do not sow or reap, they have no storeroom or barn; yet God feeds them. And how much more valuable you are than birds!  Who of you by worrying can add a single hour to his life?  Since you cannot do this very little thing, why do you worry about the rest?”

And Deuteronomy 31:8 says: 

"The LORD himself goes before you and will be with you; he will never leave you nor forsake you. Do not be afraid; do not be discouraged."

With that said I present to you some amazing news.....drumroll please........

I got a job! During my husbands tour in England I was blessed to find a teaching job at a Christian school. When we were leaving the UK I said that the only way I would go back to teaching again was if it were at a Christian school. God listened and provided! 

Before I tell you about my new job let me walk you through how I was offered my job in the UK. Have you ever bombed an interview? I mean totally struck out? Worse than that, tripped over your own feet falling facedown while walking up to the plate...and then struck out. That was me at my interview for that teaching position. But I knew the whole time I was going to get the job. Even when I was about to cry because I was so embarrassed, I still knew I got the job. 

My church group had been praying for me to get this job and I had been doing a lot of praying on my own. My husband was deployed so I spent the nights and days leading up to my interview in prayer. (not that I couldn't pray if he was there but I have more time to pray than if he were home) I sat in my car for a few minutes before walking up to the school, asking, no, begging God to calm my nerves. Then the song Whom Shall I Fear came on the radio. Incase you have never heard it, here are some of the lyrics:

I know who goes before me, I know who goes behind, the God of Angel Armies is always by my side. 

I felt an instant calming sensation. I was walking tall across the playground up to the main doors. I felt like something was pulling me forward and something pushing me from behind. It was the God of Angel Armies going before me and behind, and by my side, holding me up. I knew instantly that this was God's will, His plan. I knew I was getting the job. I just knew it. That doesn't mean that I didn't try. There was a miscommunication on my interview day. The class I was suppose to give a lesson to was not the class I prepared for. That class ended up being on a field trip that day. So, I did my best, calling upon the Lord the whole time. I was offered the Job that very day. Praise god!

Last week I was going in for my interview at a Christian school at our new location... and it felt right, but I didn't want to go in overconfident. I was praying (begging) the whole drive that this interview would go better then the last, He would calm my nerves, let His Spirit speak through me. I got there 20 minutes early so I would have time to pray and practice more answers before hand. When my 20 minutes were up and I was about to turn off my car, this happened......

Wow! I was moved to tears! I'm glad that I had to sit in the lounge for another 10 minutes so the red and puffiness from my eyes could go away. I knew instantly that God had prepared the way. He had already gone before me, He was staying behind, and He was with me. He will be in my 3rd grade classroom everyday, He will be with me as a drive home. He will even be with me on the late night grading and early morning prep work. 

He is Omnipresent!

In any situation, God with with you. Put your trust in Him, give your worries away and trust Him. No matter what it is, it is not too big for God. 

What are reminders in your life that God is with you? I would love to hear about them!

1 comment:

  1. Hi Amanda,

    Congrats on your new job. Those moments when you feel God's presence and His provision are incredible.

    For me, I know God is at work in our small Bible study group.It's a great group of young marrieds and we can always tell that God is orchestrating our conversations.


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