Friday, June 12, 2015

Christian Songs for Running!

(Photo curtesy of the lovely Jessica Valencia at, pictured here)
Alright, you asked for it…my favorite workout songs! It can be hard to find good music to workout to these days. You hear a song on the radio that seems pretty upbeat and catchy with a good pace, you are humming along to it and BAM! Here comes the lines about drinking, affairs, degrading women, and words you would rather not have stuck in your heard. I used to make the excuse that I wasn't really listening to the words just the music but then I began asking myself, "What if Jesus was running with me, would I suggest this song to Him because it has good music, but be sure to not pay any attention to the words..." If you have the same problem I used to have then look no further! I have compiled 10 of my favorite Christian songs to run to. This way if they get stuck in your head, no problem! They are all clean and have a good message. Check ‘em out! It is a pretty crazy mix so be ready!

Jake Hamilton: Never Let Me Down Good for a hard stretch, hill workout, or tempo runs. The beat stays the same but the intensity changes throughout the song. When it grows…take off and run your hardest, attack that hill! Good for a jog and stride workout at the track.

I am They: From the Day  You cant help but smile while this song plays. I find myself almost dancing with each step I take. It is definitely a good upbeat song for when you are tired.

Group 1 Crew: Dangerous A fun song to sing with a good pace!

Shawn McDonald: Rise  This song has a calming effect on me. My breath slows down and my mind seem to shift from 'Am I almost done?' to simply taking in the scenery around me and enjoying the run.

DA' T.R.U.T.H.: Impossible  God can do the gittin me through this final mile!

The City Harmonic: Manifesto Because we could all benefit from saying the Lord's prayer while working out right?

Group 1 Crew: Keys to the Kingdom This fast paced song keeps your mind off of how you are feeling and has you focused on the lyrics. I suggest purchasing this song for the message alone!

7eventh Time Down: Wait For You Ok, Sometimes you just need a little bit of rock to get you pumped up and make you feel tough. Rock normally is not my thing, I am more of the cartoon theme song type person, but this is one that I will for sure be playing during my workout.

Jenny Simmons: Time to Be Well This is another one of those light and airy songs that just make running enjoyable, even with sweat running down your face.

Moriah Peters: Brave The message itself is enough to keep me going!

There you have it. Ten of my go-to songs for when I run. What did you think? Was there one you have never heard before? Are one of them on your list?
I would love to hear what songs you listen to!

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